If you know the secrets of a company, if you know some good news about the company before the public does, you could buy the shares of the company and experience the profit when the price goes up.
who have like a series of um, kind of network events where they tell you about the company and then,
And do that as a way of finding what's true about yourself; do it in the company of others.
Fast forward just about four years later, and the company's literally ten times larger.
The problem with being a public investment company is you have to file quarterly reports about all the things you've invested in.
I read an article a while back about a private fire company, the Salem Fire Corporation, in Arkansas.
I mean, you think about what happened when Steve Jobs came back to the company.
Can you tell us about Nike? What's the culture of the company like?
Now, it raises lots of interesting issues if a company does that and then boasts about it on the packaging or in marketing, because then people could overestimate how good those products are for them, so a lot of consumer education has to be done.
With non-participating--with participating, you are participating in the portfolio outcome that the insurance company is experiencing, so you have some uncertainty about your cash value.
The company right now is already doing about eight different things.
If you are--this is a private investment company -let's think before we talk about hedge--think of -suppose you're a public investment company approved by the SEC.
I'll talk about this-- the company doesn't ever have to pay a dividend.
Incidentally, did I ever--equity equals shares or stock, so when I talk about debt-equity ratio, I'm talking about the ratio of the value of the company's debt to the value of all of its stock.
We presented it to the company. It took about a week.