He transforms Russia into an European absolute monarchy with much in common with Frederick the Great, with Sweden, with Austria, the Austria of the Hapsburgs, with Spain, and with France.
他将俄国变成一个欧洲君主专制国家,同腓特烈大帝非常类似,也与瑞典,奥地利,哈布斯王朝的奥地利,西班牙 以及法国类似
And which, in the case of England, the civil war was largely fought, to a great extent anyway, trying to prevent the English monarchy from taking on characteristics of those emerging absolute states on the continent.
其中之一是英国,[1648年的英国内战称之为 "英国资产阶级革命"],这在很大程度上,是为了阻止英国的君主制,转变为欧洲大陆上新兴的绝对主义