You obeyed Israelite law and custom, you revered Israelite lore, you entered into the historical community of Israel by accepting that their fate and yours should be the same.
people are accepting of that.
And at the same time, accepting the painful emotions are as much part of human nature as the wonderful emotions.
Anisha, when you say someone told you that Shakespeare is better... Are you accepting it on blind faith?
But it's also possible-- actually compatible with accepting that fact-- there are two additional possibilities, that there might be some negative interaction effects.
Many values that I had a hard time accepting I came to terms with.
Most of the people who want to borrow money from the banks -let's talk about businesses -we're accepting business loans -they don't want to have to pay the money tomorrow.
Many of you've probably read this, come across this, but I think this captures so well the foundation of what it means to be actively accepting.
Now, we're starting to see patent offices accepting financial devices.
John Moody died in the 1950s, but after he died, Moody's and Standard & Poor did something that Moody would not have approved of -they started accepting fees from the people they rate; some people think that you shouldn't do that.
And again, I'm not gonna go on and on about this point, it worth noticing that even if you do believe that soul exist, nothing stops you from accepting the body theory of personal identity.