Perhaps the data rate was a little bit faster than you were accustomed to, but you had some familiarity.
Now we're gonna hand you some framework, that code that we wrote with some blanks to get you accustomed to the idea of one, writing larger programs than time might allow if you were doing it on your own.
Most of us are accustomed to a money frame, so most of us--when we lend money to each other, we do it in money terms.
I realize that Yale students aren't accustomed to doing that.
The tradition is aristocracy; that's what we connect with the polis, and of course, it was natural, because it also fit into the world of the Iliad and the Odyssey, which they were accustomed to think about.
We are accustomed to thinking of insurance as a good thing.
Now, there's nothing special about annual-- that's the time it take the Earth to go around the sun, but it doesn't have any relevance to finance-- but we are just accustomed to using that.
Why not? These guys that have gone out, let us say to Syracuse, they are your people, they have relatives back home, they have friends back home, it is natural--oh by the way, they're accustomed to worship the gods in the same way that the Corinthians do.
This gets back--People are accustomed to getting dividend checks in the mail.