How do you influence the way people connect the way they think about something and the way they act about something.
It had come to a kind of crescendo with voter registration drives and the Voting Rights Act of 1964.
The semiotician's answer to this is it never could have happened simply as an act of agency, as an act of will.
I'm going to just give you two examples of the way Moses and God act as a check upon each other.
I think it's worth thinking about, at least for a moment, of the oddity of this terrible act of self-mutilation.
Even though we were doing in Japan, we're still doing language act, we're still doing writing.
Oh,well,we're in Laodicea. Let's say 'To the Laodiceans,' and we can act like Paul sent it just to us."
So, let's look, Act II Scene II. You remember this, Romeo: "but soft, what light through yonder window breaks. It is the east, and Juliet is the sun."
Sometimes, many of us felt, that not just consequences but also the intrinsic quality or character of the act matters morally.
And Hobbes draws from this startling conclusion, in many ways the infamous conclusion that the sovereign can never act unjustly.
These people knew more than anybody else about these things, and so consulting that oracle was a very rational act indeed.
But then having found one answer, you can add to it anything that gets killed by the act of taking derivatives.
There is social, which is the study of how people act in groups, how people act with other people.
If you did know how much time you had left, ? how would you act differently from what you're doing now?
These are organizations that act like banks but are not called banks because they are not technically banks, so they escape regulation.
Many steroid hormones act because they bind to cellulars - to receptors that are deep within the cell, often inside the nucleus.