I'd like to describe what we're doing in both of those aspects, both of technology and active learning aspects.
It's also known for students who are very passionate and active in a lot of different activities.
You can be passive if it isn't any good but if you are more active, you may find things.
And you see where the most electronegative elements are, and fluorine is the most electronegative of the active elements.
But the majority of students will go through this active engagement in studio format.
Sometimes subtle changes in the structure of a protein can convert it from an active state into an inactive state.
We're struck by the arrogance implicit in Milton's active identification here.
That's a very strange thing because the Greeks turn out to be an enormously active seafaring people with tremendous fear of the seas.
Yeah. I think one of the things that impress me in talking with you and looking at the work you have done is how pro-active you've been in going out and engaging in various communities.
If I'm going to be active in terms of managing my portfolio, should I spend my time and energy trying to beat the bond market?
His idea was that children are active thinkers; they're trying to figure out the world.
We are invited to be not merely passive onlookers of this conversation, but active participants in that dialogue that takes place in this book over the course of a single evening.
The second one, I guess, involves an active choice of pushing a person down which I guess that person himself would otherwise not have been involved in the situation at all.
I mean, just be very active learning any languages. You know, articulation and...
So, the active part of the thermometer could be water. It could be alcohol, mercury, it could be a piece of metal.
Men will need more calories than women, people who are very active will need more then people who are less active, etc.