Then they test you to make sure that you have adequate protection, and some people need an additional shot after that.
Yeah, there are... the facilities here I would, I would definitely say are adequate.
And so, any adequate theory of language has to allow for both the commonalities and the differences across languages.
Moreover, we have regulators who have to regulate insurance companies and make sure that they have adequate capital.
We don't have adequate reason to conclude that it's something that existed before I was put together, it's something that will be recycled and continue to exist after I fall apart, after my body decomposes, after I'm separated from my body, or what have you.
It's not the question right now that human rights laws aren't adequate. They are beautiful!
And then watch what happens to the prose style and the difference in tone: I find it most difficult to express with adequate force that flash, that shiver, that impact of passionate recognition.
And it's worthless, it's sheer garbage if it isn't supported by adequate kind of technique.
You click there, and you have to pay attention to how many services you have of something, because if it says that a serving is three-quarters of a cup and you ate a cup and a half, then the program has to recognize that or it won't be able to make an adequate judgment of what you're eating.
And, so yes, to answer your question, I think there are adequate facilities
So the sign of the number is adequate to keep track of my motion.
All right, Is there anyone who disagrees with Joe and who thinks that our experiment disproves Mill's test, shows that that's not an adequate way, that you can't distinguish higher pleasures within the utilitarian framework?
We can often better understand the dialogues by seeing Socrates as putting forward certain positions that he does not think are altogether adequate.
So the Bank of England effectively enforced that the banks in England kept adequate reserves and they would see some of these reserves in the deposits at the Bank of England.