Einstein is only a theoretician and de Broglie is a theoretician, so one theoretician propping up another theoretician, this is a mutual admiration society.
His admiration for foreign things and approaches was tempered by, as Hughes argues, his devotion to Russia, which he oversaw.
Yeats looks at them with pity, with admiration, with scorn.
He's a master diver," Ambrose said. In feigned admiration.
When I go around as a blind person, with my stick, ensure of myself among people, I feel that I am an object of respect and admiration.
Trying something, failing gloriously at it, and then getting everybody's admiration.
It's just this kind of rhetorical trick that Milton uses - so many rhetorical tricks like this that Milton will use throughout the poem -- that led Dr. Johnson to say in utter exasperation, but admiration, that "Milton wrote no language": this isn't English that Milton is writing here.
That is to say,the reward of good behavior the admiration and the honor that a hero gets, and the most serious punishment he can suffer is to be shamed in front of that community.
What's distinctive about the South: "The South has a tradition," Said Gurganus, "Of attempting the impossible at great cost, proudly celebrating the failure, and in gaining admiration for the performance."
The Athenians loved and respected him so much that they gave him the almost unheard honor of burying him right on the spot where he fell in the field, and thereafter, his name was always followed with glory, admiration and devotion.