The rescue of Moses, who will foil Pharaoh, is affected by the daughter of that pharaoh, and Moses grows up and is sheltered right in the pharaoh's own palace.
But definitely everyone's sort of been affected by that.
Most scientists believe that its better, a better process, less affected by conflicts of interest, but still affected by politics.
Now, for better or worse, we live in a world profoundly affected by Sigmund Freud.
They have to contend with something called moral hazard, which is the risk that people will be affected by the fact that they're insured and do something bad.
And that was possible in smallpox because of a few characteristics of the disease: one is that it's a--it's purely a human disease, humans are the only organisms that are affected by it.
He was really affected by it.
Having been affected personally so much by music and how music has shaped my life i am driven to deeply explore with that impact with other people.
Has the animation industry been affected by the world economic crisis?
You can look at that and get a better idea, and that's less affected by lobbying and special interest than the government version.
There are other factors involved too like high energy prices, but certainly U.S. policy is affecting that, but we're also affected by the rest of the world.
And people are very affected by these.
The fiber intake is affected not only by what particular foods people pick but how much processing is done of the foods they have, where some of the fiber in foods is specifically processed out.
Now you'd hope that it would be a small percentage of the population that would be affected by this but it's not.
It was affected by the major American depressions of 1837, 1857, but not as much as the North.
Millions of humans affected by Alzheimer's disease, other species don't get Alzheimer's disease.