Voltaire went and hung out with Frederick the Great, and after a while he said, "Let me out of here."
But after a while I got really tired of wandering around
The problem is that you get tired of doing math after a while, 100 years, 1,000 years, a million years, whatever it is.
That is a very heavy thing and it will weigh you down after a while.
Now, I could go on right the way through here, but I'm going to stop because it gets to be a bit boring after a while.
So it's going to be-- it's like one of the reality shows where things are going to be as they are and hopefully after a while we'll learn to act and behave normally and not worry about its presence.
After a while, there were stretches where red gullies dropped off on either side of the road, and behind them there were patches of field buttoned together with 666 posts.
First, it's pointing to the beginning of the list, which initially might be down here at but after a while, might be part way through. And to that, I simply add a halfway point, and then I check.
The person who every time they sees you hates you, says they hate you and accompanies it with an obscene gesture-- after a while this person can't hurt you. Right?
Censorship only comes into play once a text has actually been in circulation for a while, only after a number of readers have found a published text to pose a threat.
What they did is they scanned the brains of rats while they were in a maze and after they went through the maze.
And we've been talking about this after-work party for a while.
And then after a while the body and P-functioning are both going on.
And only after a while will we turn to the second and third question: Does it survive and, more particularly, is it immortal?
After a while, you won't have room in your head for anything.
A weird thing which is discussed in the textbook is if you wait a while and then you try it again with the bell after a couple of hours, the saliva comes back.
And of course even if in many cases, the engine continues to exist for a while, after the destruction of the car, certainly it doesn't follow the engine is immortal that continues to exist forever.