For example, if you are out late after work and you catch your girlfriend with another boy.
So the work was probably concluded shortly after that date: so in exile or towards the end of the exilic period.
And you're just entering the door after work.
After college, I got married and I went to work I was working in an inner-city school in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The Republic belongs to that period of Plato's work after his return to Athens, after the execution of Socrates.
How about a drink after work?
Okay, so why was it after all that work -- why was it that 1 wasn't the winning answer?
After all, we're taking the output work that we get from the right, and using it all to drive the left.
Well, that's the sense of theory that I like to work with, and I would pause over it by saying that after all, there is a difference and practice and we shouldn't too quickly, at least, confuse the terms.
And as I followed many of the students after they graduate, whether the students who work with me here as undergrads or students who I tutored, when I followed the path,it wasn't just empty words.
We like people who are honest, who are kind, who are smart, who are funny, but study after study finds more fundamental processes are also at work and here is a list of three of them.
Now since I think that the arguments I'm about to sketch-- and I've just started sketching the first of is fails I hope you'll think it over and you'll eventually come to agree with me, yeah, these arguments don't really work after all.
It affected me quite a bitbecause I was out of work for a long time after that.
Just be around some nature is really, really important for me to destress after the work week.
and so they intend to go into government work immediately after school.
We finally got it to work at the end after much hardship.