So, the curious thing about recursion is that pretty much always can you implement this idea of doing the same thing again and again and again but with smaller bytes each time.
Again and again and again you will encounter this idea in Butler.
Typing the same commands again and again and again make can be configured, as you'll soon see in problem set 2 or 3 to do all these for you.
That's something that we see again and again and it's remarkable how little common sense is often applied.
If I go on doing this exercise again, and again, and again what am I going to end up with?
Our course over the term will come back to this question over and over again, and it will also come back to the generic question of autobiography.
And we'll really get to see a picture of that, and I'll be repeating that again and again today, because this is something I really want everyone to get firmly into their heads.
And carbon 14, 6 again and it has 8, and it is found in vanishingly small amounts, 10 10 to the minus 12 or part per trillion.
A life, a fulfilling life, a rich life includes ups and downs, includes pain and getting up again, includes failure and getting up again.
I'll do this again, not this whole lecture but that part again-- and he did it because you can't build barricades across boulevards, wide ones.
It has to be in that sense worked for again and again.
This gives rise to some emotion including emotions that could be viewed as moral emotions, like guilt and anger, and again, grounds altruistic behavior in an evolutionary perspective.
But in any case the Aristotelian statesman's goal will be restoration of the conditions of constitutional government and rule of law as quickly and again as efficiently as possible.
I'm always telling my kids,"Don't like"-- no.It is indeed very regular--So it is indeed very regular so that's one thing, and by regular we mean these patterns keep repeating again and again.
I want to try to hit the points that I think are important to remember because they're going to be concepts that come up again and again throughout the course, and I want to make sure that we're on the same page.
I was just finding very tunnel vision-like, the smallest elements at that moment in time which means I don't know anything about the other elements other than they are not the smallest and so no matter what with Selection Sort I had to repeat this again and again and again and if you do out the math it's roughly N squared steps in the worst case as well.