One thing that most people do in fact agree on is that the oldest account of the event is a poetic fragment 12 that's found in Exodus 15, verses one to 12, in particular.
I agree with you on that point of view.
Let's see if we can't identify those syllables that we all are going to agree on.
So the emperors would try to call together councils to get them to agree on things. To get them to agree on doctrine, to get them to agree on the canon.
And, so, you're surrounded--and people, they don't agree on everything.
But they will agree on certain things. Yes?
Where I agree with the neo-cons is that we must have our foreign policy that is based on our values.
Nabokov cannot meet his reader on the misty mountain ; because somebody has to agree to publish this book first; it has to exist in the world before that reader can meet it.
Do you agree with me on that?
We agree on property rights.
At the end of last class, we started sketching an argument that comes from Descartes, the Cartesian argument, that says merely by the process of thinking, on the basis of thought alone, it tends to show that the mind-- We all agree that there are minds.
Absolutely. But that's a quite different thing and I completely agree with you on that.
.. I guess, unfortunately, it is for... there needs to be a number put somewhere, like, I'm not sure what that number would be, but I do agree that there could possibly be a number put on the human life.