We understand irony only, he means, to the extent to which we are in agreement with the other person.
We had 80% agreement with that in Los Angeles; so people were really worried.
So basically, we're stuck with this verbal agreement and we both have an incentive to cheat and produce more whatever it is, sugar water.
Toward the bottom of the footnote, 731, left-hand column, ust as in conversation, we understand irony to the extent to which we are in agreement on the subject with the other person."
So what's wrong with that agreement? What are they?
They're two water companies, so they're Poland Spring and Coca-Cola I guess these days, sign this agreement saying that each one's going to produce half monopoly quantity and what's going to go wrong with that agreement?
One way to think about Nash equilibria is that they are self-enforcing agreements, so provided that everyone believes that everyone is going to go along with this agreement, then everyone in fact will.