And all this is, is saying that when you take a mixed second derivative, it doesn't matter in which order you take the two derivatives.
See you Friday. We'll finish on calorimetry and thermochemistry and then we'll start in on one of the really most difficult topics that we'll deal with all semester, which is a second law and our special function that
Now, the good news in all of this is the studies that looked at physical attractiveness in this way were just looking at what predicts a second date after a first date.
The second particle was deflected almost not at all. But what he could tell from the fact that there was a second particle at all, and the fact that it was in this direction, is that in addition to his negative particle, he also, of course, had a positive particle that was within this stream of rays that were coming out.
Now, just to repeat, again I know I've got some math phobics in the audience, let me just slow down a second, all I'm doing here is I'm saying look at this equation of the pink line, look at this equation of the blue line, X is when they cross, i.e., they are equal to each other.