All right, let's try again. How many people vote that this is reversible? That looks like a majority to me. Irreversible?
All right. With all this said, how can the theorist recuperate honor for certain names like, for example, his own?
I've thrown away most of the array- most of the list, I shouldn't say array- most of the list. All right?
All right, so I'm burning some energy, I'm burning some fuel to do this somehow, to get that work to happen.
The two things that you focus on are maintaining what you have now that's good and growing, all right?
Let me go ahead and -- oh, that's nice, someone learned how to send right messages on the cloud. All right.
All right, so it's very common to talk about electronegativity of different atoms, and you can look up tables of these.
All right, and he came up with a scheme, and this is how he ranked things.
All right. - So you have the choice of becoming involved or not by pushing the fat man. - All right.
All right. We've been talking about arguments that might give us reason to believe in the existence of an immaterial soul.
All right, so you're going to go to here; so this point here is... I can't even write this.
But, in the meantime, what you have is the continual reproduction of that yell, that laugh, that "wow," that "yes," that "that's all right," all those things that they say just to register their existence and their relation with one another.
All right. Now quickly, as to the plot: desire emerges or begins as the narratable. What is the unnarratable?
All right, a couple of closing points before we leave this, things I would like you to remember.
No, we call that work positive work. All right, so that means we need to put a negative sign right here, by convention.
All right. Then we're going to set low to-- low and high, and we're going to perform exactly the process I talked about.