So, how does this all work to give rise to creatures who could do interesting things like talk and think?
I was just reading his book right now about, you know, the rise of Facebook and how it all started.
Israel's descent to Egypt sets the stage for the rise of a pharaoh who, the text says, didn't know Joseph and all that he had done for Egypt.
We'll talk about another word for this later, but it's a cell that's going to give rise to all the cells of our body.
The rise of the polis is based upon critical, economic, military,social,and political changes, all of which produce a world that's really strikingly different from the one that was just before it.
城邦的兴起是基于关键方面,经济,军事,社会 和政治的变革,所有的一切都造就了一个,与之前的时代截然不同的新世界