Now this is not the kind of stuff that computer scientists spend all their time doing, but it will germane.
And all we mean by constructive interference is that literally those two waves add together, such as the maxima are now twice as high, and the minima are now twice as low.
Now, all the cat is doing is that it's an infinite loop and it's checking if I am not facing bird, - face bird, and it's -- It's constantly chasing the bird.
And I want to stress this, we're going to come back to it later on in the term, so the way I'd like you to think about it for now, is that somewhere in the machine, there's a big space that contains all possible values.
So, that meant the concept that there is something that all of us are--have in common, that make us all Hellenes now exists.
Now, the first thing to notice is that to get the conclusion we need all three premises.
现在 首先要注意的是,只有三个前提全部成立才能得出结论
But for right now, all you need to know is that all of these generals, although they were Macedonians and spoke Macedonian and not themselves Greek, but they had, just like Alexander, they had adopted Greek language, Greek culture.
Now it goes without saying that we all know what virginity is.
All right. Now this is a wonderful example of the tension between having expectations, the expectation that someone will help Tony, and being in a state of suspense, not knowing who it will be.
Now, all you have to do is introduce that virus into an organism and the virus will do what it naturally does, which is infect some cells.
Michael Phelps, now that he's won all those gold medals, I hear is on Wheaties and somebo dy said Frosted Flakes, but I don't know if that's true.
But as you all know, those candidates almost all have track records, and not everybody believes that Clinton, that Hilary Clinton, is quite so centrist as she now seems.
Now, so what you have is- the scientific consensus is that all of mental life including consciousness and emotions and choice and morality are the products of brain activities.
Its composition is influenced and determined by literary conventions and goals. Now, of course we all know that there is no such thing as purely objective history anyway. We have no direct access to past events.
Now that everything is did not live), it all seems a long time ago, though practically I still bear traces of the paint." Again, that parenthetical elides the death of the child.
And Thomas Jefferson described the people of the North this was in the 1780s now, this is before the cotton boom and all that he described the people of the North this way.
you tell me you believe American people should understand about each, We talked about stimulus, and you argues that it is not simulative at all, the cap and trade global warming bill passed the house in late June and now move to the Senate.
But luckily we don't have to worry about how we're going to picture all this, now that I said that, no physical interpretation f or a wave function, there is a physical interpretation for what a wave function squared means.
But for now all you need to know is - that these four different kingdoms-- one was where we now have Greece, another one was where Syria is, another was Egypt, and then there was another further north, but that's not as important for us.
All we're in right now is, perhaps in existence of that with regard to consciousness, maybe some other things, we don't yet see how to explain it.
So when I said earlier that as soon as swap returns, all of the memory allocated for swap is now useless.
And so I joked, badly, I'll agree, at the end of last lecture, that we can just stop now, go straight to the final exam, because this is all you need to know.
So this is giving me now that template, better way of saying it, all right, a template now, for a point is x, y, radius, angle.