Now this on page 2. This is how he talks: All this time Dean was telling Marylou things like this.
Well, so I mean, he is... when he invented all the theory about the space time and all this,
You were smart and adorable and all this time I assumed you were dumb and adorable.
He brings it up as if we know that this is what he's been talking about all the time.
You're thin. You're thin. Where have you been all this time?"
And by this time all educated Roman men were expected to be able to speak Greek, well if possible.
This is the sort of thing that people who do numerical programming worry about all the time. And there are a lot of a little tricks they use to deal with that, they'll perturb it a little bit, things like that.
All right, so last time we were talking about the Investor Game and this was a coordination game, and we learned some things.
So that way you can have an idea if, oh, I do really understand this but I'm a little bit slow, maybe I need to practice this one type of problem a little bit longer so I can get up to speed so I'm going to be able to get through all this in terms of the exam time.
I'll talk a little bit about that-- I've gotten through almost all of this--next time.
Seems very simple, but took Beethoven a long time to iron all this out and make this perfect melody, the prototypical melody in a way.
We'll do all this next time before we get into Saussure.
Imagine that--back to this earth-- this Napoleon type of case happened all the time.
However, over the course of time, some ancient Israelites, not all at once and not unanimously, broke with this view and articulated a different view, that there was one divine power, one god.
Of course this happens all the time in the body.
There is this asymmetry all the time.