It exists alongside of other areas of political inquiry like American government comparative politics and international relations.
Now, that's a very important point, because why in the world would you give a shield of the kind I am describing, for a man to defend himself, if you imagine him standing by himself anywhere, if you imagine him any distance from the rest of the guys fighting alongside of him.
It would be, I think, extremely instructive to read it alongside The Return of the Soldier or Mrs. Dalloway for the reasons I've mentioned.
We use the whiteboards alongside one of the walls, where you just write down your name if you have a question.
He positions pro-censorship argument alongside anti-censorship rhetoric or metaphor, and there are dozens of moments in which it's just these opposites that are being asked to coexist in some kind of peace.
Because alongside the idealized portrayal of the Israelite conquest in the first half of the book of Joshua, alongside the call for the destruction of all Canaanites, we find interesting tales of alliances and incorporation of various Canaanite groups.
Milton was also at this time becoming an opponent of the Anglican church government, and he was writing and publishing attacks on the church alongside those of the Smectymnuus group.