• Hartman associates this image of Milton's standing ab extra with the figures in so many of those similes who seem also to be standing ab extra.


    耶鲁公开课 - 弥尔顿课程节选

  • Yeah, but I think it's also an important skill. You need to be able to express what you know


    沟通很重要 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • That turns out also to be true in this case, but let's just see.


    耶鲁公开课 - 博弈论课程节选

  • Ritual impurity also defiles or renders impure sancta, and so it has to be kept separate from sancta.


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  • Why should the amount by which you're attracted to the Earth be also a measure of how much you hate acceleration?


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  • Now, of course, Freud himself thought he was a scientist, and his reading of the myth was also supposed to be scientific.


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  • e We also have e, which is going to be the charge on the electron.


    麻省理工公开课 - 化学原理课程节选

  • We will be talking about papers in the section.It will be helpful to you it will also give you a chanceto talk about these books so please do go.


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  • So why don't you talk about the experience that you had in Israel and also a little bit about what it means to be an Orthodox Jew for those people who don't know maybe the difference between reform and conservative Orthodox.


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  • Art" here is not to be understood also as the antithesis of science, as when we speak of the arts and the sciences.


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  • Then you could also think about whether there are changes that could be made to improve diet.


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  • My argument here is that not only is it important, it also ought to be important.


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  • But the Platonic forms, as we also know, are not to be found in this world.


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  • Also one of the most useful resources you'll find is the course's website; where not only will the obvious be posted like handouts and such, pests in the syllabus, but there will also be a variety of tools that you can turn to over the course of the semester including our own videos.


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  • They are engaged in raising livestock, which in Greece is more likely to be sheep and goats than cattle, but also breeding horses, which is very important for the aristocracy for carrying on warfare.


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  • For a lot of Protestants in the early seventeenth century, the word chastitycould also be used to refer to the state of what could be called married chastity: - married chastity was a type of bodily purity that could be extended -- -- or a spiritual purity as well -- that could be extended even into marriage.


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