A perpetuity is an asset or a contract that pays a fixed amount of money each time period, forever.
But if you look at the amount of money that the club makes from Asia, it's huge.
That's a lot less than the amount of money out there but they always had fractional reserve of banking anyway.
It means we've got about 45,000 people involved creating software and perhaps most importantly we will invest the same amount of money the next 12 months that we did with the last 12.
A managed portfolio, you find somebody you think is really smart and you pay them a fair amount of money and in return they assert that they will pick winners for you, and in fact, you will outperform the stock market.
it was reversible, so you can give people money and take it away, and you could actually scale the amount of money, so it makes a very handy experimental tool.
So I've put this very handy little chart on the board for you listing codes on one side. And you'll see the kinds of things that are punished you pay a certain amount of money to compensate for the death.
Do you think that it is worthwhile to spend a great amount of money on prestigious products?
You had to be very confident because it was going to take a long time, a fantastic amount of labor, a tremendous amount of money to do that.
I think some people, because it's a huge amount of money,
So, even if the cost is small, $10 a dose, it quickly amounts to a large amount of money.
In other words, if I'm a rich, wealthy person in Corinth, I would say, "I'll be the local tax collector, and I'll guarantee you I'll send to Rome this amount of money for a year."
We'll talk about the amount of money that goes into Washington to lobby on behalf of the food industry, and we'll use a few exemplars of that like the National Restaurant Association which is the major trade association, as you might guess, of the restaurant industry.
It's different from Fed policy in that they set up a certain amount of money and auction that off to the highest bidder.
So that staggering amount of money then impairs the fund managers' ability to continue generating excellent returns, but they can stay in business and collect the fees that they get for having this huge pile of money.
If you have a tremendous amount of money, where do you want to spend it?