So, you might ask then well what is the significance of shooting different amounts of photons at a metal?
I think here in the UK and abroad, fantastic amounts of money are raised every year, you know,
But now, because my elements are going to take different amounts of memory, I'm going to do the following thing.
These things run for variable amounts of time because they take input, a list of size of some amount.
They deliver different amounts of energy and they also deliver different amounts of nutrients, but we'll talk about the energy for the moment.
It turns out you can use that for lots of things, you can use it to detect the presence of small amounts of chemicals anywhere.
So,huge amounts of institutional funds and individual funds are going into this hedge fund world.
Okay, rain seems to be there for different amounts of time, doesn't it?
So, one of the bizarre side effects is some people with Ambien while sleeping go downstairs, open up their refrigerator and eat huge amounts of food.
Because he wasn't a very good card player his posse took him for fairly sizable amounts of money.
You are also hearing very small amounts of other pitches.
In Gravity's Rainbow he did enormous amounts of research in newspapers from the Second World War in London where some of the novel is set, so that you can go to newspapers and find the ads that he talks about in the novels.
So, in other words, what happens if we put a bunch of elements, compounds into a reactor but they are not in the balanced amounts?
I don't know how many know that there are trace, trace amounts, of cyanide in almonds.
Nozick says, if you think about it, taxation amounts to the taking of earnings.
They weren't very successful in growing it in huge amounts, but that short stapled cotton that eventually was the form of cotton that the cotton gin made into such a massive, marketable world product, is what made the cotton boom boom.