He's earned the right to treat himself to this absolutely lovely -what must have been an extraordinary amount of fun to write -lovely catalog of flowers.
It was kind of we'd fooled ourselves into thinking that things were worth an amount that they actually weren't.
The code is unusually conspicuous, complex, and enigmatic; it attracts an inordinate amount of attention to itself, and this attention has to acquire the rigor of a method.
A perpetuity is an asset or a contract that pays a fixed amount of money each time period, forever.
In other words, how much does the temperature of the whole thing change when you put an ordinary amount of material in there and run a reaction, right. Well, what do you do?
Jacob Milgrom has argued that there's a kind of Archimedean principle at work here: every sin creates an impurity that encroaches upon the realm of holiness and displaces a certain amount of holiness.
So in the case of 12 32, that is our highest kinetic energy, it's the smallest amount of energy it takes to pop an electron out of that orbital.
One is people must have had an incredible amount of confidence in Jonas Salk.
So, for example: in this case, my list is a bunch of integers. And one of the things I could take advantage of, is I'm only going to need a finite amount of space to represent an integer.
At the same time, he is saying that just by picking an acorn or taking an apple or maybe killing a buffalo on a certain amount of land, that makes it yours because it's your labor and your labor would enclose that land.
Milton places an enormous amount of weight on this distinction.
So, it's very important to see how different from that the Greek idea was and what an enormous responsibility the polis was supposed to have, and of course with that, there had to be an enormous amount of support for the state by the citizens.
Because you can come up with an infinite number of values but if you have a finite amount of space and certainly a computer has a finite amount of disk space or RAM, you have to make approximations.
If it's going in a circle, you will say from now on, that it, indeed, has an acceleration, even though no one's stepping on the accelerator, of amount v^2 over R.
如果它在一个圆周上运动,你会说从现在起它其实有加速度,即使没有人去踩油门,加速度大小为 v^2 / R
Suppose someone has a contract that promises to pay an amount each period over a number of years.
The coupon is expressed as an annual amount; you get half of it every six months.
So even if we strip an atom of all of its electrons, we still have that same amount of positive charge in the nucleus.