And the temperature scale that turns out to be well-defined and ends up giving us the concept of an absolute zero is the ideal gas thermometer.
So if you are in an English-speaking country, my advice to you is to go out on the street and be local.
And the other thing to point out is that the energy that an anti-bonding orbital is raised by, is the same amount as a bonding orbital is lowered by.
And very often what that does-- a positive emotion can take us out of this downward spiral and create an upward spiral.
There was a case of a very minor insurrection in an obscure Italian city in 1848 where the people of the town literally locked the ruler out of the town-- and Italy remains decentralized.
You know, if you're wandering through Harvard Square and you see an out-of-work Harvard grad, they're handing out examples of square roots, they'll give you an example and you can test it to see is the square root of 2, 1.41529 or whatever.
Because we hold relatively stable, relatively well-diversified portfolios, security selection turns out not to be an important determinant of returns for most investors and market timing turns out not to be an important determinant of returns.
I like this piece because it does something and I've used it in previous years, and I put it on and I would announce "I'm now going to play out of the-- It's an album called Document by REM ," and put it on and REM and it's fine with me.
A company, according to Modigliani and Miller, has to weigh their tax considerations against their bankruptcy costs and get an optimum debt-equity ratio out of that.