So when you see the word "book" in ancient Greek or Latin, they didn't think of this. They thought of scrolls.
It might be darkness. It might be spirit. Or in ancient Greek religion, a more sort of philosophical polytheism, it might be fate.
It's looks like an ancient Greek novel, except it lacks the one thing every good Greek novel had,sex.
But then an old Yalie who took this course when he was very young, and later became an ancient Greek historian, took the wonderfully outlandish device of answering this question.
Well, for the answer to that we have to go back to ancient Greek music theory, and when you read about this--it's really turgid stuff-- but believe it or not, I teach a course on this at the graduate level.
It engages the ancient art of pastoral poetry initiated and made famous by the great Greek poet Theocritus, which was later imitated by Moscus and then finally by the Roman poet Virgil in his celebrated pastoral eclogues.
in fact I want to use the word stitched together, because in the Ancient Greek world the people who sang, recited, created the poems of the Homeric epics were called rhapsodes, and that means stitchers of songs.
If you travel around in Greek cities throughout the Ancient Mediterranean, you can see where they've carved little game boards into flagstones of different temples or buildings, in Greek cities.
But those basic structures are part of any kind of Greek city in the Ancient World.
You can't wander around any Greek city, or Roman city of the Ancient World, without seeing the latrine.