What exactly that purgation will entail and why Milton's voice needs to be purged at all I think these questions are really the subject of the entire rest of the poem.
All that Simmias needs to cause problems for Socrates' argument is the claim that harmony is invisible and harmony can be destroyed.
And then the magic is really finding the right solution in the middle that combines all these needs and desires and wishes the customer has with all the technology ingredients.
The Garden of Eden contains,first of all,just Adam and then when God decides, for his own reasons, that he needs a companion, he invents one other companion,Eve.
It occurs because blood flow gets reduced in that blood vessel and so the heart muscle, which is actively beating all the time, needs large quantities of oxygen provided by blood can't get the blood through the vessel.
And if it sees S-W-A-P, open parentheses, close parentheses, and it hopefully sees two ints inside of it, that's all it needs to do in order to finish compiling your code.