And I think there is all sorts of different ways to learn that outside the classroom that complement the classroom. -Yes.
And the answer is, although neurons are all or nothing, there are ways to code intensity.
And we're ordering them into war, without looking at all the other ways we could achieve our objectives, and without recgnising the precious values of those lifes.
Humans are collections of cells, all cells are the same in important ways, but cells acquire differences during development, and so we are collections of billions of cells.
I'll compute its value. Then I'll empty the backpack out, put another combination of stuff compute its value, try all possible ways of filling up the backpack, and then when I'm done, I'll know which was the best.
Sidney's talking about the various kinds of discourse: - divinity, hymnody, science, philosophy, history-- in other words, all the ways in which you can contribute to human betterment and human welfare. He says in the case of all but one of them, each discourse is a "serving science."
And in fact, languages differ in all the ways that we were talking about.
And so it didn't take long, once this vaccine were--was available, for people to want to get organized and think about ways of delivering this vaccine to all the regions of the world where people were potentially infected.
If there's a group, responsibility to help decreases and this is captured in different ways but the main idea is we all think someone else will help so we don't. There's a diffusion.
So Empson says, Well, atmosphere, ; certainly that exists and we can talk about it in all sorts of ways; but after all, what is the use of atmosphere?