Let's make the red light the symbol of 'go.'" And now with the ecological movement it would be very difficult to make the green light the symbol of "stop," and in any case all sorts of complications would arise. Right?
In any case, since Brooks does constantly use these terms, I have to overcome embarrassment and at least at times use them myself.
But in any case, that's why Solon's pamphlets are written in poetry and apparently in really good poetry.
That's the case marvelously in this poem, and I'd be happy to talk about particular examples with any of you who'd like to work through it.
Murder is murder in every way and our society looks at murder down on the same light and I don't think it's any different in any case.
In any case, Aristotle returned to Athens later on and established a school of his own, a rival to the Platonic Academy " that he called the Lyceum.
In any case, I came to Yale in 1981 as a graduate student and I was looking for an adviser and I was kind of interviewing with a faculty member at Yale at the time named Judy Rodin.
So, it turns out that in this case, 2 p and any time that we see we're going from a 2 s to 2 p, filling in of electrons, we actually see that little bit of glitch in ionization energy.
In any case, the question of value and valuation is an important one in Comus, and it's important in part because the rhetoric of the mask is saturated in the economic, the commercial, and the financial imagery that we were looking at in the last lecture.
So in any case, hermeneutics is devoted to the discovery of meaning and the art that it's concerned with is the art of interpretation.
But in any case the Aristotelian statesman's goal will be restoration of the conditions of constitutional government and rule of law as quickly and again as efficiently as possible.
In any case, the tension between denotation and connotation is part of the way in which irony works.
All right. Now in any case, while we're on the subject of deconstruction in general and before we get into de Man, let me just say that there is one other way, if I may, not to criticize deconstruction.
I never met anybody who seemed more like an author than this person, and yet he's raising the question whether there is any such thing, or in any case, the question how difficult it is to decide what it is if there is.
In any case, Yeats was on the other side of the controversy and insisted, after all, that there is a continuing role for art, as indeed, on the other hand, there may well be even in such times.