Now can any of you think of one way that you do this, which is reconnecting with nature, and in some ways what are some techniques to advise the interviewer?
You know, it's just a very different skill and in some ways a different way of thinking.
Milton wants to write an epic that in some ways comes before, or prevents, the great epics of Homer and Virgil.
And all these political considerations or policy considerations, in some ways, are coming together in President Obama's council.
Some of them we've already talked about. Andrew talked about the class list and gave you some ways of understanding those pictures in Gaston Godin's apartment.
Let's look at some other examples, in order to try and see other ways in which we could do it.
You can read Jeremiah and Isaiah and some of the great Old Testament prophets in some ways as defenders of slavery.
The ambition in some ways to unite philosophy and politics has been a recurring dream of political philosophy ever since Plato.
It is now again the capital but Berlin is balanced off by Munich and by Frankfurt in some important ways.
Modernism in Eliot and Pound is, in some ways, founded on expatriation, on a kind of internationalism.
And then also you consider, in some ways, free people who may exist as clients.
There are different ways of playing the game, and some of us find great pride in finding the most simple way to understand something.
What made things go so awry that people and food used to be more in sync in terms of health and well-being, although there were problems in some ways.
He is full of a kind of understandable self-pity, and his speeches are in some ways more characteristic of the gloomy intellectual milieu that is reflected in Chekhov's text really than almost anyone else's.
You can produce animals that have a disease that's similar in some ways to Alzheimer's disease by taking the genes that are involved in Alzheimer's and introducing them into mice, for example.
But now, I want to raise a huge developmental puzzle and the puzzle is there are some ways in which babies are-- not just babies,but young children are very clueless when it comes to people.
The records make it perfectly clear that the kingdoms of Pylos and Knossos were bureaucratic monarchies of a type unexpected in Greece, but in many ways similar to some contemporary and earlier kingdoms in the eastern Mediterranean.
And I think it's kind of eclectic in some ways. It's very different,
The Noah story, the flood story, ends with the ushering in of a new era, and it is in many ways a second creation that mirrors the first creation in some important ways.
To speak both of Jove and of Christ is obviously in some ways to mix your metaphors and the effect can only be disorienting.
Hobbes regarded these passions in many ways as barbaric, as uncivilized and warlike and to some degree he was right.
That doesn't negate that, but in some ways it brings up the specialness of other things and makes us feel a part of that.
Well I thought that would be my life calling, and perhaps as a dean I have made it happen. -In some ways and aspect.