This machinery is so precise that a human hair couldn't even pass between the heads and spinning platters, yet it all works in terrific speeds.
There's absolutely no reason I couldn't have switched it around and said that instead the pi orbitals form between these atoms instead of those first atoms I showed.
And intuitively, it seems plausible to many people that you couldn't have free will and be subject to determinism.
The third teaching fellow couldn't make it today, his name is Michael Look and I'll introduce him to you when he's available.
Tocqueville couldn't resist it, it was the thing he couldn't stop writing about in Democracy in America, and he was only observing in 1831.
For example, by the way, the compulsion to repeat nasty episodes, - to revisit trauma, and to repeat the unpleasurable-- well, that could just be called masochism, couldn't it?
You couldn't just run something successfully in a cycle and get work out of it, using the heat from the hot reservoir, without also converting some of the heat that came in to heat that would flow into a cold reservoir.
It is a rare person who couldn't stand up there and everybody would figure out what they're lying about, but the transparency effect is we don't feel that way.
It didn't work and you couldn't sell them on it.
That is, more or less, what did happen in the Roman world and I don't see anything that's suggested it couldn't happen in the Greek world at the time we're talking about.
Like in popular music there's often a couple of verses and a chorus and a bridge and you can predict each different movement of the piece, and that's more regular than-- Couldn't say it better myself.
Couldn't that be a kind of existence that would be forever enjoyable and yet it wouldn't be a rat-like existence?
Some fact about us that calls out for explanation, and the claim on the part of the dualists was, we couldn't explain it without appealing to a soul.
We had a big scare in 1998; it started with the Asian financial crisis and then it spread to Russia and there was this terrible collapse in Russia in 1998, when the government couldn't pay its debts.
This is what--this is where the humor for that baby comes in, which is you couldn't predict when the sound was coming and some aspect of that was what made it so funny then, what elicited the laughter.
So, let's just arbitrarily put it between these two in this case here, but actually there's no reason we couldn't also put it between oxygen b and c, so I'm going to draw another structure where we have it here.
Is it really true that human bodies don't and couldn't split?
We'll talk about how your normal valves function inside your heart and how your heart couldn't work in the way that it did if it didn't have valves that were doing a very complex operation many many times a day.