The first excerpt is from Numbers 14, and it shows Moses' ability to placate the wrath of God.
The problem is Freud had a very sort of hydraulic theory of what goes on, and some of this stuff slips out and it shows up in dreams and it shows up in slips of the tongue.
It sets the mean to 0, for s in stocks and then for s in the stocks, it moves it, giving it the bias and the momentum, then it shows the history.
But the beauty in this calculation is it shows that this concept of electron sharing in an unequal manner is sound and it gets you into the right ballpark.
It chooses real pictures and it also shows beautiful drawings.
Descartes says what it shows is the mind and the body must be two logically distinct things.
Every time a product shows up it's bought and paid for, for the most part.
One way to draw sort of a schematic diagram of the operation of the human body where it shows separated organ systems and tries to show them in context.
And I hope, as you are reading, you notice that chapter opening where once again Dean appears at the door when Sal shows up, and he's totally naked.I hope you noticed that. It's the third time that we see that so there is an eroticism between them.
I have it shown with the--the vertical lines on this chart indicate recessions and this shows--this is from 1948 to 2007 and every recession that we've had since 1948 is shown.
So it's going to be-- it's like one of the reality shows where things are going to be as they are and hopefully after a while we'll learn to act and behave normally and not worry about its presence.
Square root of 16, and my plot basically shows it crosses at 4 and-- well, I think that's minus 4.
And in exceptional cases, it shows up in certain clinical symptoms.
Well, you can see the pink line shows the employment in Los Angeles, and indeed, it did move around corresponding to the booms and busts in the Los Angeles market but not so dramatically.
It has dropped precipitously and you note that the pink line, which shows the rate of growth of home prices, the rate of growth of home prices, has fallen just right along with the traffic of homebuyers.
I mean, if you do the--If you look at the results for the study, it turns out that there is an association as bias to view white Americans as positive and African Americans as negative but it shows up in half a second difference.