And if something within psychopathology I thought could contribute to our wellbeing, I took that and used that.
The way that Muslims are both integrated in and contribute to American life, in our counterparts in Europe I think is a stark example for this.-Right.
Well, look at this footnote: And the history of words after a poem is written may contribute meanings which if relevant to the original pattern should not be ruled out by a scruple about intention.
Who were the organisms that would survive those conditions and then contribute to the gene pool?
And I don't think Game Theory is going to contribute to anything to understanding about leadership.
that after Lolita.) But what I mean is that the reader must know when and where to contribute his imagination, and this he does by trying to get clear the specific world the author places at his disposal.
If I'm happier, I'm more likely to contribute to other people's happiness and wellbeing.
How do those differences between cells contribute to the properties of the tissues, which contribute to the properties of the organs, which contribute to the properties of a person and this maintenance of homeostasis?
And then we contribute to this great deception and it is this great deception that leads to the great depression-- the great depression in the ultimate currency of happiness.
The ones who would conserve energy, that is they were sedentary when possible, other then when they had to go get food would again not waste their calories but would save them and contribute to the gene pool.
Those people would bank their calories, survive the next famine, contribute to the gene pool, and thereby create what we have today which are organisms, humans, who very much like the kind of diets that are creating problems.
Sidney's talking about the various kinds of discourse: - divinity, hymnody, science, philosophy, history-- in other words, all the ways in which you can contribute to human betterment and human welfare. He says in the case of all but one of them, each discourse is a "serving science."
We'll talk about cells and how they work, how cells in different parts of the body are different, why, and how they contribute to tissues at a very sort of simple level so that you can understand this as we start thinking about using cells for engineering purposes.