and yet are not the things that we covet or wish to banish, We recognize in ourselves the capacity for disinterestedness.
Very similar, parallel stories, and yet there are significant contrasts between the Mesopotamian story and its Israelite adaptation.
Rosenberg is giving us an anecdote from the trenches, and yet it slips very quickly into a sense of fable.
Aristotle is considered the "father of criticism," and yet he is also what Foucault would call a "founder of discursivity."
Now you have a gap in your data and yet you still have some magnetic particles there that could be useful.
As your record shapes itself an awed wonder haunts you, and yet there is no more exciting an adventure than trying to be honest in this way.
This provides the moral basis of what I would call Hobbes' humanitarianism and yet that humanitarianism seems to raise further problems.
They cover only one part of a year and yet they carry details of thousands of transactions in hundreds of places.
Couldn't that be a kind of existence that would be forever enjoyable and yet it wouldn't be a rat-like existence?
The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals and yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?
And yet in the sense you could say there's really not a better time to start a business.
Right? Most of them aren't,or about half of them, I think,are not in the Bible,and yet they're very important for the history of Western Civilization.
some of good, some of evil substance, and yet God, in that unapocryphal vision, said without exception, "Rise, Peter, kill and eat," leaving the choice to each man's discretion.
And yet get a valid test. Sometimes it can be timing. If you're running multiple processes.
And yet he said we are focusing too much on cultural differences and he added not because there are no cultural differences.
Well--okay. This has nothing to do with the text, we say, and yet at the same time suppose it did.