So maybe what we have here is another polemic,another adaptation of familiar stories and motifs to express something new.
I think there was another key one in the mid-90s when we said: we have to go in the server business.
God and humans lock in an eternal struggle, neither prevailing, yet both forever changed by their encounter with one another.
Please don't, if you are up here, become complacent because a month from now we will have another test.
It will surface back up in another piece of work or another idea at some point in your life.
There's also another variance measure, which we use in the sample-- There's also another variance measure, which is for the sample.
It seemed I had a whole host of memories going back to 1750 in England and that I was in San Francisco now only in another life and in another body.
So, if you're looking for another reason to quit, if you're looking for a reason not to start smoking, here's another good one.
Well, if that function calls another function, you put another tray on, and so that new tray represents that function's chunk of memory.
And here is another, another image by Evans of the bridge.
I can imagine if I had gone to another priest, another catholic church would be problematic.
You might have four independent sculptures in there, but they relate one to another; they make some sort of special sense one to another.
They're inside that loop-I've got the wrong glasses so I'm going to have to squint- and we've got one test which is a comparison we've got another test which is a multiplication-- sorry, not a test, we've got - another step which is a multiplication- and another step that is a subtraction.
Now we don't need the cow anymore because you could pass it from one person to another, and pass the immunity from one person to another.
If you give me another vector, there's another pair of numbers.
Because on particle hits another and another and another.