The debate over that question is fierce, and it's one we're going to leave for another day.
that they might, you know, flip out about on another day.
Those of you who believe in divine revealed authority, that's a debate for another day.
Well, start anywhere you want. Breton, which is a language that has nothing to do with French at all-- here, oh I've got a really funny story I was going to tell about a Breton priest, a French speaking Breton priest, but that's for another day.
Also another day to day difference:
I of course picked the wrong day to wear a sweatshirt under really hot lights so thankfully I came prepared with another item from the-- from the store.
On the 30th day, I will give you another 1000 dollars-- you'll have a total of 30000 dollars from me.
OK? So you can see that, it's just walking through it, and in fact if I look at a couple of another-- another couple of examples, it's been a long day, again, you can see that property.
No one can impose their claim of revealed knowledge on another. Does this make Hobbes an atheist, ? as many would have maintained in his day? No.
One person might be a little low one day, another person might be high, a lot of people might-- you might happen to have captured them on an average day, but overall it averages out, so you get a representative sample.
Or in another example, let's pretend that you wake up after you had a pizza the next day.
Then, I tell you I went for 5 km on the second day and another 5 km on the third day.
So, it's a picture that Camille has drawn, and of course Camille doesn't know that he's sleeping with Marylou in another hotel on the same day, and so on.
Or sometimes they might have men one day, women another time, and mixed at other times.
Okay, so 2500 calories one day; 1400 another.
Every other book in this political science that has since been written, beginning with Aristotle's Politics and moving on to the present day is, in one way or another, an answer, a response to Plato's Republic.