Well, that's one story. Another story that we're told is that soon afterwards also in that same place in the Iliad, a dream comes to Agamemnon, because, you know, this is their tenth year.
That would be another story.
路易十四时期的自然疆界指的是从莱茵到阿尔卑斯山脉东麓] 那就是另一个故事了
Here's another story.
With this basic principle of utility on hand, let's begin to test it and to examine it by turning to another case, another story, but this time, not a hypothetical story, a real life story, the case of the Queen versus Dudley and Stevens.
Sometimes they challenge and contradict one another, but they are not best seen as linear, as telling a neat, linear story about Israelite religion flowering and fading.
Well, let me turn to another aspect of the story of Homer and how the poems play into Greek society.
Same story for sophomore, same story for junior year, I finally took it senior year because they wouldn't get another chance even though it still doesn't fit in the workload ha ha.
Okay. To one servant the master gave five talents. You remember this story To one servant the master gave five talents, to another he gave two, and to a third servant he gave one talent.
It goes off in this strange digression. It seems like his mind has simply wandered, as it does, from one version of the story to another. But the mention of the machines is not incidental.
Another famous story: In 1770, he goes in to Rome, into the Sistine Chapel.
But somehow or another it's not enough because the otherness, - the mutuality of regard that this story wants to enforce as life-- as life properly lived--is not entailed in and of itself in neatness and busyness.
In particular, we're going to focus in the beginning, on polio virus, which is another great success story, but where a very different approach to vaccine development was used.
And sometimes it occurs in one passage, as in the flood story here, and sometimes it occurs in stories or passages that are separate from one another, for example, the two creation stories.
You spin the story another way,and I follow the personality.
They also had a creation story. They had a flood story. They did animal sacrifices. They observed purity taboos. Israelite religion was another Ancient Near Eastern religion and they differed from their neighbors only over the number of gods they worshiped: one or many.
And here's another critical element in the story.