As I said, it looks as though to answer the question, "Could I continue to exist after the death of my body?"
But Yeats doesn't answer the question, does he? Well, why not?
Then they said, I'm going to ask you a question but before you answer the question I'm going to spin a wheel of fortune.
Typically again he seems to answer the question from two different points of view giving each perspective its due its justice.
It seems plausible to think that before we could answer the question, "Do I survive?"
So, for instance, I will answer the question "What is the most common dream?"
Focus. Answer the question.
In an 1850s anti-slavery speech she said, among other things, this conclusion in effect, she's answer the question now, "Why has slavery boomed and persisted and grows still?"
Along the way I'm attempting to also to answer the question that people always ask me when they understand I'm a historian about Greece and if they have any interest in the subject.
To answer the question what is Biomedical Engineering, we're going to spend time on that today and we'll spend time on Thursday, and I want to approach it from a couple of different angles.
The answer to the rhetorical question is that we can't tell the difference between the dancer and the dance.
PROFESSOR: All right. As you're settling in, why don't you take 10 more seconds to answer the clicker question.
PROFESSOR BAWENDI: So the question was, for an isothermal expansion, delta u does not change, therefore, The answer is that's true only for an ideal gas.
We were satisfied with the dialogue that was taking place and we asked students to answer one question, and then comment on the response of another student.
That might be a question you might wanna answer or you might wanna say, is the thing on the left and the thing on the right both true?
The answer to the question, I think, gets at the very heart of the meaning of this elegy.