I don't know. Does anybody--It has been-- The colleague answered and said that it's not as effective as other methods.
For instance, when I asked their major, they answered "course 2." Could you tell us about that?
And if you come and ask a question that you could have easily answered by doing the reading, coming to lecture, or using Google, they're going to have less patience.
Alright. So, hopefully what everyone came up with is the straight line, is that what you answered?
The question we're left with, the fundamental question we still haven't answered is what then becomes of consent?
Still, when these people were asked what would happen when they would die, most of them answered, "I'm going to go to Heaven."
People answered--most people said, no, I'd be so annoyed and angry with myself I'd just leave.
There will be a review session for those of you who care to come given by myself in 26-100 tomorrow night starting at 7 pm going until the last question is answered.
Solon answered, Tellus of Athens.
It is attributed always to God. So you see in Exodus 24:3 and 4: Moses went and repeated to the people all the commands of the lord and all the rules; and all the people answered with one voice, saying "All the things that the lord has commanded we will do!" Moses then wrote down all the commands of the Lord.
Also, it can be a rhetorical question or a question that does not want to be answered.
Why do--why--who just answered a question for me, those folks who raised your hand?
You answered that you majored in course 2. It sounds like a secret code to outsiders.
All the people answered as one, saying, "All that the Lord has spoken we will do!"
And then he answered it elegantly in a very small number of pages.
answered 92% of the questions correctly, admitted modestly to being a member of the campus honor society was the editor of the yearbook, and ran varsity track.