• At some point, maybe a week later, four to eight days later, you would start to see antibody levels rise.


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  • If you did that what would happen is you would see antibody levels rise even more sharply than before.


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  • So you've got exactly the experience you would have if you were working in your lab having the brilliant breakthrough when you finally realize what the combination is that would make the right antibody, whatever it is.


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  • That rate of rise is steeper so they--antibody levels go up more rapidly and they reach a higher level.


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  • They're ready to rapidly differentiate into antibody producing cells and they're waiting for that second signal to come.


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  • One is there's no lag period, notice that antibody levels start rising right away after the second exposure.


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  • There's - this diagram comes directly from your book, from one of the boxes in the book which describe how you analyze antibody interactions.


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  • Now, we're not thinking about total antibody concentration because you already have a lot of antibodies circulating within your blood and in your fluids.


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  • Now, why do you need a cell mediated immune response if you have an antibody response?


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  • These are cells that recognize a particular antigen, they're ready to differentiate into antibody.


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  • They differentiate, they make many copies of themselves - I'm sorry they proliferate, they make many copies of themselves, and then they differentiate into antibody production machines.


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  • This kind of recognition leads to another effect, what's the effect? Antibody production.

    这种识别还产生了另一种作用,什么作用呢 产生抗体的作用

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  • Basically, injecting it into some test subjects, making sure that they didn't get diseased from it and looking at antibody responses to see if it worked and it did.


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  • I realize that this thinking about antigen, antibody combinations and the mathematics of how strongly an antibody binds to a specific antigen, is maybe something that's new to you.

    我觉得这些关于 抗原抗体结合,以及,抗体如何强有力地结合抗原的问题,对你们来说很新鲜

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  • If this was tetanus, you got this tetanus vaccine when you were young; you get a boost every five or ten years because your antibody levels are starting to fall.


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  • We're thinking about the particular antibody that binds to this antigen that you're exposed to.


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  • There's a lag phase, there's a slow rise to an intermediate level of antibody.


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  • If we just thought about that second part of it, just the antibody generation, or the humoral what we called last time--last week, the humoral immune response, the immune response associated with humoral immune response of antibodies in the blood and in other fluids.


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  • Don't worry about how they work in the immune system, but what if you could manufacture antibodies then you could make a chemical, an antibody, that is capable of binding to a specific other chemical and you could use that for things.

    别管它们在免疫系统内是怎么工作的,只要考虑能不能制造抗体,那么假设你能制造这种化学物质 抗体,抗体又能够同其他特别的化学物质结合,你就可以让抗体为我所用

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  • Usually the cellular means that they get rid of is that instead of an antibody being produced, you activate a population of cells that will specifically go and hunt down the foreign antigen, or more commonly, cells that contain the foreign antigen.


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  • So, these memory cells are a way that your immune system keeps track of antigens that it's been exposed to for even if maybe the plasma cells that were producing antibody in response to the initial exposure have died and disappeared.


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  • They both proliferate, increase in number, and they differentiate; they differentiate from immature B-cells into antibody producing cells.


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  • The humoral immune response involves antibody production and antibodies are made by a subset of cells called B-cells.


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  • Helper cells don't become cytotoxic cells but they help B cells become antigen producing - antibody producing cells.


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  • The antibody that they stimulate is antibody that's specific to this antigen that was presented earlier.


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  • So not all of the B-cells that are stimulated become plasma cells or antibody secreting cells.


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  • So, this is several months and this logarithmic scale on the Y-axis represents antibody concentration.


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  • Now, for antibody production it is still a T-cell that recognizes the antigen presenting cell.


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