It's late for some personal reasons as well. Milton had been, as you know, anticipating writing this poem since he was at least nineteen years old.
It's the guerdon, the reward, the prize of fame that we're continually anticipating will burst out someday in a sudden blaze of glory.
so let's say I'm anticipating making 5 dollars, and Brian anticipating making 5 dollars.
I am anticipating here, and we'll come back to this in other contexts: but it doesn't say "one thing led to another"; in my facetious reference to history as I have already given it to you.
Good, so Steven, anticipating that Patrick is going to think that steven's a sucker but Patrick's going to cheat on him and produce too much, Steven's going to produce a best response to that and he's going to produce this quantity here.
It's just this Orphic power that Milton, like the Lady, was always anticipating for himself.
He wants to keep anticipating producing the great speech, ; which is exactly what the Lady has been doing; but on the other hand Milton's possessed of a competing desire to speak and to speak now -- to publish, to succeed, to consummate his talents.
But in this game, playing best response to each other, figuring out that in fact the other guy is going to cheat on me, or the other guy is anticipating that I'm going to cheat on him, or the other guy is going to anticipate that I'm going to anticipate that he's going to cheat on ,me, etc., etc., will eventually drag us back to the Cournot quantity.