But you can get high blood pressure from it, so. But apart from that, it's nice, so.
I think Hartman is absolutely right to note that it's this aspect of Milton's similes that sets them entirely apart from the similes in any other epic poem.
And yet even apart from those there are many poems that use that word "love," often in crucial places in the poems.
I would guess that's pretty much, you know, apart from, you know, all the usual, well-known things.
By "difficult," it is meant, I think, well, first of all that it is in some sense set apart from common speech, as a specialized and highly self-conscious use of language.
Leda and the Swan" seems to say a knowledge of the body, of the necessity of embodiment. In the late Yeats, in the poems that I'll be discussing today, there's no knowledge apart from the body.