How does that happen? You know, you've got to appeal to social forces if you're going to talk about change.
and it gives it some credibility and it gives it some public appeal.
If you can put it in other words, those other words take the form of an appeal to intention.
It's the leading man, however, who has made the most eloquent appeal to me ] to call off the production.
Often, when I am teaching "creative writing", teaching "humility", a text which I appeal is actually a Zen text.
Is there some feature that the physicalist can't explain and so we need to appeal to something extra-physical to explain it?
We also drop the lowest score on a problem set and also lest in my appeal in the last lecture in this sounds a little too tailored to only those less comfortable realize too those more comfortable as we'll see today.
Now, part of the appeal of not making any qualitative distinctions about the worth of people's preferences, part of the appeal is that it is nonjudgmental and egalitarian.
Gram for gram it provides a lot more punch in terms of calories than protein or carbohydrate, and that could be why fat has such an appeal to human physiology and why people like high fat foods.
This we did set up a number of vehicles for peered appeal exchange and peered export exchange.
And what this means is that any theory of language use and language comprehension cannot simply appeal to a list.
But we will also use judgment and I'm going to appeal to the T.A.'s to help me on judging the grading.
We no longer appeal, in other words, to the authority of the author as the source of the meaning that we find in the text.
So that it's not what the text means -which might be anything, according to Hirsch, if you just appeal to the text; it's what the author means to say.
Actually, let me start by saying I'm going to distinguish two broad families of characteristics we might appeal to.
So as a function and not as a subjective consciousness to which we appeal to grasp a meaning, the author still does exist.