You could not sell a security without giving a prospectus to the potential buyers and the prospectus would be something approved by the SEC.
And the big decisions have to then be approved by the Queen.
And if you use these three agencies, then everyone would be approved by the regulators.
If you are--this is a private investment company -let's think before we talk about hedge--think of -suppose you're a public investment company approved by the SEC.
In 1875 there's an amendment to the Constitution that essentially- voted by one vote,or approved by one vote, by the Assembly--that essentially transforms France into a Republic.
You'll find that those events as they get approved and start getting proposed by your classmates, they'll start appearing on the calendar as well in their respective categories.
Then he observed, through time, after subjecting pigeons to this torture for some time -it might be not approved by--it's not really torture, it's like dieting or something, you've all lived through that, right?
If you're a hedge fund, you're not for the public -you're not approved for investing by the public.
I don't know if the word is approved but it's--you have to run it by the SEC and then you always have to give that up.