So, when the value of the average valence electron energy lies between 11 eV and 13 eV, we have these elements that are neither fish nor fowl, and you'll see in a little bit their unique electrical properties.
Neither do the dealers determine the term structure; the dealers have to buy and sell at prices that are in the market.
There are a lot of ways in which a red light means neither "stop" nor "go," but we are sort of confining ourselves so far to the ways in which a red light has something to do with locomotion or the lack thereof.
Shelly Kagan Well,the body theory could say neither of them are Shelly Kagan.
They differ according to their IQs; whether they're aggressive or shy; whether they're attracted to males, females, both or neither; whether they are good at music; whether they are politically liberal or conservative.
Now as you may know-- some of you may have played clarinet in a high school band or something like that neither here nor there if you did or did not-- but you may know that there are other meters out there these things called six-eight .
There are views where mind and body are just two different ways of looking at the same underlying reality where the underlying reality is neither physical nor mental.
Shelly Kagan Neither of us are Shelly Kagan.
But neither of them are Napoleon.