But their shields are made of wicker and they don't have that kind of metal body armor and all that stuff.
There's this guy in a bunch of armor on a horse.
Now, between your waist and your shin guard there's some very delicate territory, and there's no armor.
But Achilles, of course, he got him in the heel where he didn't have any armor.
I'm sure there were bows and arrows at that time, but they did not yet have the kind of armor that they would have in this time.
They might sometime give them their weapons, but not their defensive armor.
The hoplite himself is marked by, first of all, the shield and second of all, as we continue to think about his defensive capacities, he has a certain amount of armor to protect his body.
The town, the city, the polis does not provide the fighters with their defensive armor.
The Persian infantry did not have heavy armor, they did not have that kind of a shield, they had wicker shields; fortunately, we have vase paintings that show us Persians.
So now, Achilles really blows his top and from the quarrel, and finally when he says, "Okay, if that's what you're going to do to me, I'm taking my armor and I'm going home."