In other words, art for art's sake. That's Eliot's autotelic poem.
That, it's actually almost as famous for being a cool building as it is being an art museum.
The first sentence of your passage: "There is no art but one delivered to mankind that hath not the works of nature for his principal object."
When Hobbes uses the term "art" there, " "For by art is created," that term is deeply revealing of his purpose.
But I would say - I would agree with you - but I would add that for me, good religion and good art - I like this idea -- are as real as life itself.
And that's something that we'll talk about from time to time in the class, but it's something you'd get more out of,for example, if you studied an art history class, or if you studied a literature class that talked about some of these issues in later European times.
Anybody who looks at the earliest Greek art for quite some time, I'm talking about sculpture and temple building, will see the influence of Egypt enormously powerfully.
Now I want to really clarify for you what I mean by this term "modernism." It just means the art and literature of the early twentieth century, especially the "high art," although its roots are definitely in the nineteenth century, especially the French nineteenth century, fiction and poetry.
Musical notation is a particularly Western phenomenon and when you stop and think about it only we in the West, and by West what I mean is the United States and Canada and Western Europe and Russia, parts of South America, only we use musical notation and we use it principally for our high art music.
Bought, and turned into Haven for his friends, particularly his friend in the art, and people were done and out on artists, were done and out on their luck.
Now as an aside, turns out you can do more interesting formatting with printf, and this is useful even for ASCII art purposes.
buying art for your body, I guess.
The realization of desire for this young Yeats is something only possible in art.
SOHO is, I think, an area that's mainly known for its art scene and its visual arts.
Now, his language in that sentence that I just read from the introduction, "For by art", again, "is created that great Leviathan called a commonwealth or a state."
And so that for me to see art that represents that confliction or confusion can be actually the kind of grace of identification that allows me to feel that I'm not alone in the world perhaps.