And with that realization, we see a very dramatic moment in Book I, even in the book as a whole.
I don't know, I feel like, I mean California, for example, as a whole,
That leads me to the larger question you might say which is posed throughout Aristotle's work as a whole.
If we do justice and if we respect rights, society as a whole will be better off in the long run.
I hope it gave you a sense of its communal ethiC as opposed to an individual morality, the idea that the actions of every individual have an impact on society as a whole.
And so we're able to evaluate not just lives as a whole, looking back at the pearly gate.
The reader projects before himself a meaning for the text as a whole as soon as some initial meaning emerges in the text.
I think we're in a very interesting time for banking and for the economy as a whole.
In the depressed phase, our thinking is narrow; we don't think outside the box usually-- of course there's many exceptions, but as a whole.
Ok. Talking about the Englishman, talk about, you know, the Nato efforts as a whole, they are really not pulling their weight, are they?
We asked them to identify themselves and identify themselves not only in terms of the worth they were doing but the capabilities they might bring to the group as a whole.
But Welles's life as a whole, was a creative life.
And not only are the Greeks as a whole cut off from the rest of the world, but Greece itself, which used to be an area of easy exchange, where people could go from one place to the other and did, localism now comes into the picture.
And everything that has happened since the new administration s how the administration as a whole sees it.
Is there a place where you stand, or is there a place where you feel like culture as a whole can contain that discussion?
I'm not going to be thinking I'm clever, and can pick winners and losers, I'm just betting on the market as a whole.