Here, as elsewhere in Yeats' poetry, it's not essential for you to be able to pursue his occult learning and decode his symbols in order to read his poetry.
at elsewhere as well in Britain.
Now this will become a problem obviously when we talk about Judaism, because Jews--the Greek rulers, were trying to do the same thing with Jewish gods and Jewish figures, as they had elsewhere.
One aspect of their language which maybe you've noticed in On the Road--it's not quite so pronounced in On the Road as it is elsewhere, certainly--in the letters that these figures write to each other.
They might very well be storing the addresses of memory elsewhere, but we just needed them as sort of a cheat sheet, a little address card to know where the original values x and y were.
And again, we could spend a lot of class time saying, well riboflavin does this for the body and that for the body, but my guess is most of you wouldn't find that so interesting and for those of you who would, the information on it is available elsewhere as I said.
But even then, that may not be enough."-- Because once you don't get tenure in one place, you don't go up in terms of the ranking of the school-- you very often would get tenure but elsewhere, school that is not considered as good as the one where you were rejected.
So Collins suggests that the poem in Exodus 15 is celebrating and preserving a historical memory of an escape from or a defeat of Pharaoh and that the drowning image is used metaphorically as it is elsewhere in Hebrew poetry to describe the Egyptians' humiliation and defeat.