As far as I know, Skinner and Skinnerian psychologists were never directly involved in the creation of prisons.
So as far as I know, I know that for some computer science classes
As far as I know we're getting him, so I hope that you will all be able to come this Friday, here, at the usual time.
As far as I know -- I know of no exception, although someone may well be able to produce one no original poem in English had ever been published with line numbers in the margin in its very first printing.
And that may generalize again and it keeps going until you either get back to Adam and Eve, I guess. I don't think they were born in the US as far as I know, or you find somebody who satisfies that definition or you find that none of your parents actually are in that category.
as far as I know, this is it. Right now! Today, right now!
He, so far as I know, and I think I'm not forgetting, he is the only human being referred to in the poems in that way.
and so there are some products where... at least, as far as, I don't know this field very well,
So, as so far I know, you're dying to know about midterm and final and those wretched things.
Well, you know, I think it's better in other countries, but as far as the United States goes,
Now, one of the things the Greeks believed, as we discover from a poem written by one of their major poets, is something so far as I know unique to the Greeks.
The Greeks, as far as I know, did not allow anybody to be left handed in a phalanx; think about the problem.
As far as I know, he doesn't publish he's not in the newspapers, but he's gotten the ear of the Treasury Secretary They spent many weekends together figuring out what should be done about the system and they wrote up a proposal.